Various Artists, “Ho Dad Hootenanny Too!” (Crypt, 2015; original recordings 1964-66)
In our time, the term “Frat-rock” might conjure up thoughts of hacky-sack being played while dudes with acoustic guitars and bongos noodle through Bob Marley covers, but to vintage garage-punk fanatics it connotes the hardest of the hard. The first volume of “HDH” focused more on (great) novelty tunes, but this one was selected for maximum power, period. Start with pummeling, clattering drums, louder and more overwhelming than anything until early-‘90s jungle/drum/n/bass, add big honking blocks of speaker-blasting guitar, and then play “Louis Louie” thirty-two times in a row with different titles. Great.
Try 8, 12, 20, 28

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