Young Canadians, “No Escape” (Sudden Death, 2005; original recordings 1978-1980)
A pioneering Varr Couver punk band, this trio recalls the best of early L.A. punk, fast and light-footed, with surf-style beats, weird trebly guitar blare, snotty vocals and catchy tunes with disaffected/dystopian lyrics.
Try 2, 4, 5, 7, 8. 9. 17.

Young Magic, “Still Life” (Car Park, 2016)
Third album from this minimal electro-pop duo finds them seamlessly blending Indonesian and tropicalia textures, giving the music a nice thundershower-in-the-heart-of-the-city vibe.
Try 1, 8

Youth of Today, “Can’t Close My Eyes” (Revelation; original release 1986)
Debut from these NYCers, as much of an opening shot for the second (third?) wave of SE harcore as Minor Threat or SSD’s debuts were for the first. Ultra-minimalist, caroming fury that’s as abstract and brutal as Pink Flag, though lyrical concerns here tend less to Wire’s existential-dread-of-the-modern-world and more to friends-betraying-you-by-sneaking-drinks-of-Miller-Lite.
Try 1/ 2, ¼