The Creamers, “This Stuff’ll Kill Ya” (Triplex, 1994; original release 1988-91)
Late ‘80s punk from L.A. – pure ’77-style Pistols/Ramones hook-a-rama rush/roar, but with a stripped-down propulsion that lets you know hardcore had made its mark on them as well. And instead of the revolutionary conviction/expectation of the late ‘70s, there’s a hard-nosed engagement with the concrete specifics of day-in/day-out experience, alternately resigned and combative, that fit with a time when the “cognoscenti” had written this music off as a doomed fringe (and B. J. Armstrong and Mr. Coban were still playing in basements and VFW halls). Nor were there many bands in those pre-riot grrl days with women on lead vocals and both lead and rhythm guitars. So love the Creamers for their irrepressible pioneer/defender-of-the-faith spirit, but mostly, if you love punk rock, love them for their bottomless goodie-bag of awesome songs. Start with 1 (“Broken Record’ [about Johnny Thunders and his “monkey”]), 4, 5 (“No Big Deal”), 6, 11, 21 (“What Will The Neighbors Think?”)