Swans, “Filth/Body To Body, Job To Job” (Young God, 2014 [?], original recordings, 1982-85)
Much as I respect their cathedral-scale recent achievements, this is what I think of when I think of the Swans – atonal sheet-metal guitar grind powered by rumbling rhythm-section clatter, songs like Black Sabbath flash-frozen and distilled into its minimal essence.
Try Disc 1: 1, 3, 9; Disc 2: 8, 13

Swans, “The Seer” (Young God, 2012)
Seminal NYC noise-rock unit (close colleagues of Sonic Youth when they were both starting out) returns with what has rightly been characterized as a summation of their entire career. Crunching sheets of distorto-guitar, thundering drums, bizarre-world Gregorian chants, and much more, integrated into a coherent whole. Towering, epic, wall of sound, sheer transcendent power – this is one of those rare works such words are truly meant for.
Try CD 1: 1, 4; CD 2: 2, 4.