Sonic Youth, “Daydream Nation” (Blast first/Enigma, 1988)
Summary masterpiece from their great decade; the noise-torrents have been sanded down to something like melodic rock and roll, but this actually kicks harder than anything they’d done since “Confusion Is Sex.” A vision of pre-Giuliani NYC unmatched for grandeur and force by anything except “Marquee Moon.” All great; my current faves are 4, 5, 9, 12, 13, 14.

Sonic Youth, “Sonic Youth” (DGC, 1990s; original release 1982)
This is Sonic Youth’s earliest work, an EP, plus unreleased live stuff. It’s much starker and more focused than their subsequent efforts, with an almost Factory-like minimalist-funk pulse in spots, but this is also their most hypnotically pure sea-of-grey-guitar-whirr sound, unleavened by rock histrionics (much less any variety of pop). Beautifully feral, crying-in-the-urban-wilderness music.
Try 1, 2, 5, 7

Sonic Youth, “Experimental, Jet Set Trash And No Star” (DGC, 1994)
I suspect I’m in the minority on this one, but I think this is far and away the best album they ever made for DGC. Nothing to prove at this point, they relax and let the avant-noise settle into concise, unassuming pop song structures that capture the gently sinister sense of the marvelous on a rainy day in ‘90s NYC better than anything other than a time machine back to one of the long-gone used bookstores on East 5th Street.
Try 1, 2, 6, 14