Rhythm Collision, “Collision Course” (Dr. Strange/Collision, 1997; original recording 1989-97)
Here, in one place, are most of the singles of a first-rate singles band. Like their models (Generation X, Buzzcocks, Dickies), L.A.’s Rhythm Collision crafted mid-‘60s-ish pop tunes, then packed ‘em with punk rock dynamite to explode on impact. Super-dynamic rhythm section too, drawing on hardcore while foreshadowing pop punk (but don’t blame them).
Try 2, 4, 5, 17

Rhythm Collision, “Girl With The Purple Hair”/”Ready?” (Collision, 1993)
This single by the melodic L. A. punsters finds them at their most manic and explosive.
B/1 really sounds like Generation X, if they ever played with the dynamism of the MC5 and the raw ferocity of Black Flag: great. A/1 is hot, too.

Rhythm Collision, “Holiday” (Collision, 1993)
Another single from these Buzzcocks/Generation X-influenced hook-punk-meisters, excellent if not quite up to their best.
A/1 is the best, really dynamic and complex, though the others are also rockin’.

Rhythm Collision, “Too Long” (Dr. Strange, 1995)
Late ‘80s/early ‘90s L. A. stuff that was either way ahead or way behind the times. This is classic pop-punk (think Buzzcocks, Descendents and especially Generation X) delivered in a treble-crazed power-trio style reminiscent of the early Who if they drank ten gallons of Dr. Pepper.
B/1 is best, but A/1 also rules.