Goggs, “Pre-Strike Sweep” (In The Red, 2018)
Second album from this side project featuring Ty Segall and ex-Ex-Cult singer Chris Shaw. This rocks with the same dynamic-but-mid-range-thick-shock-chamber guitar-bass-drums wall-bang attack, but with even better tuneage in a melodic early-L.A.-hardcore vein (think Adolescents).
Try A/1, A/4

GØGGS, “Pre-Strike Sweep” (In The Red, 2018)
So, on their second release, the GØGGS move toward smooth, uptempo adult pop with an emphasis on piano, somewhat like Maroon 5’s early work. Ha, caught you napping! This is actually a further intensification of the Ty Segall/Chris Shaw (ex-Ex-Cult) project’s full-throttle cosmic-head-bang take on punk, bridging the gap between desperate-drunk ‘60s-Sonics-style reverb-wall-rattling and early-‘80s Orange County HC’s harmonic menace. The dead-eyed mania of Shaw’s vocals induces some of Segall’s most feral riffing on record. This is pretty much as classic as punk can get at this vantage point, even better than their first, and if there’s a third it’s gonna be a killer.
Try 1/ 3, 2/4

GØGGS, “Pre-Strike Sweep” (In The Red, 2018)
So, on their second release, the GØGGS move toward smooth, uptempo adult pop with an emphasis on piano, somewhat like Maroon 5’s early work. Ha, caught you napping! This is actually a further intensification of the Ty Segall/Chris Shaw (ex-Ex-Cult) project’s full-throttle cosmic-head-bang take on punk, bridging the gap between desperate-drunk ‘60s-Sonics-style reverb-wall-rattling and early-‘80s Orange County HC’s harmonic menace. The dead-eyed mania of Shaw’s vocals induces some of Segall’s most feral riffing on record. This is pretty much as classic as punk can get at this vantage point, even better than their first, and if there’s a third it’s gonna be a killer.
Try 1/ 3, 2/4

Goggs, “Goggs” (In The Red, 2016)
OK folks, why is this Ty Segall project different from (and superior to) all other Ty Segall projects since “Slaughterhouse”? Partly it’s the higher levels of both aggression and catchiness. This actually earns the au courant Adolescents/RSOL comparisons with its lock-jawed, wall-banging thunderball punk action. But lots of it is the awesome negative charisma of singer Chris Shaw’s dead-eyed lone-gunman road.
Try 2, 7

Goggs, “Pre-Strike Sweep” (In The Red, 2018)
Second album from this side project featuring Ty Segall and ex-Ex-Cult singer Chris Shaw. This rocks with the same dynamic-but-mid-range-thick-shock-chamber guitar-bass-drums wall-bang attack, but with even better tuneage in a melodic early-L.A.-hardcore vein (think Adolescents).
Try A/1, A/4