Germs, “Germicide” (ROIR, 1981 [?]; original recording 1977)
“OH WOW, BIG PUSSY!!” That and other witticisms are to be found on the between-song banter on this, the first recording of the Germs, live and completely incompetent. This is the most primal punk rock ever, sludge-chunks of sound skanking across the floor with an every-instrument-doing-something-unrelated-to-the-others panache rivaled only by the Shaggs. Pictures the Stooges trying to navigate the LaBrea tar-pits wearing shat-in-pants and you’re starting to get the picture.
Try 1, 3, 8

Germs, “Live At The Starwood, December 3, 1980” (Rhino Handmade, 2010)
The Germs are among the occupants of the very pinnacle of American punk rock, and this recording – their last show, released in full at last after years of bits and pieces appearing on bootlegs and comps – is perhaps the greatest live recording of any punk band, period. The band is desperate, iron-fisted, alternately wild and violently precise, racing to the limits of their sound and almost beyond music. Darby sings like he knew he’d be dead within the week, which he was.
Picks: 3, 7, 11, 18, 19, 21