Deborah Harry, “In Love With Love” 12” (Geffen, 1987)
Awesome remix of a tune from her ’87 solo album, tricked out here with a dub-spectral arcade of sound and percolating Latin-disco percussion. Captures like nothing else the NYC-at-night passage from a crowded club dancefloor to the empty streets outside, that crackling sense of menace and excitement.
Try 1/1

Davie Allen And The Arrows et al., “The Wild Angels” (Tower, 1968)
Soundtrack for what looks like a really cool biker flick. The music is fuzzed-out, amped-up, sinister surf-rock. Not as far-out as the other Allan LP we got, but A/5 is his catchiest tune.
Also try A/1, B/2

Davie Allan And The Arrows, “The Cycle-Delic Sounds of . . .” (Tower, [1968?])
Collection of Vintage “biker rock” instrumentals, i. e. surf music with a sinster vibe and fuzzed out guitars. The guitars get pretty frantic sometimes, and would no doubt have made a good soundtrack for “Vulture” or “The Loser” driving their “hogs” off a cliff while tripping balls on sheets of “Gooney Bird.”
Try A/1, B/5

Deborah Harry, “In Love With Love” 12” (Geffen, 1987)
Awesome remix of a tune from her ’87 solo album, tricked out here with a dub-spectral arcade of sound and percolating Latin-disco percussion. Captures like nothing else the NYC-at-night passage from a crowded club dancefloor to the empty streets outside, that crackling sense of menace and excitement.
Try 1/1