Dum Dum Girls, “He Gets Me High” (Sub Pop, 2011)
This band/person stands out among the post-garage indie crowd for her distinctive blend of cold, chrome-sheened precision (almost akin to synth-pop) and rough-cut rock-and-roll passion, as well as her sharp songwriting. A/2 represents a further advance in melodic/textural complexity, but B/2 is the real killer – a gurious, rousing version, comparable to Hüsker Dü’s take on “Eight Miles High.”

Dum Dum Girls, “Only In Dreams” (SubPop, 2011)
I’m told the Dum Dum Girls’ flavor-of-the-month status has well and truly worn off by now, but that’s actually good news, because it gives us the chance to approach this as “mere” music, and it turns out to be great music this time. The charming but skeletal attack of the first LP has been fleshed out with louder guitars and lusher melodies, its ‘60s/girl group structures now palpable resemblances as much as brilliant allusions. The band’s trademark machine-tooled beats now command real rock and roll thunder. DeeDee’s vocals have thickened into a powerful wail, and the impact of her mother’s death called forth a spectacular set of songs that connect like nails on the chalkboard of your soul. Highly fucking recommended.
Start with 1/5, 2/4