Camera Obscura, “Underachievers Please Try Harder” (Merge, 2003)
Funny title, because this album represents this band’s transition from good to great. Same jangly/melodic C86/Velts-derived indie pop as before, same range of moods from effervescent to meditative, but these songs are just so brilliantly articulated and incisive. A must-hear for fans of this sound.
Try 1, 6, 7, 10

Camera Obscura, “Biggest, Bluest Hi-Fi” (Merge, 2001)
Guy/gal-fronted Scots indie-poppers; most obvious debt is to Belle& Sebastian, but there’s some C86, Smiths and (especially) third-album Velvets. Jangly, sharp, intense and often gorgeous.
Tty 3, 4, 5