Bow Wow Wow, “I Want Candy” (RCA, 1982)
Malcolm McLaren’s follow-up to the Pistols grafted quasi-African rolling/pummeling beats onto new-wave guitar-pop juiced with echoes of glitter and punk, and Annabella’s guilelessly unnerving vocals. This stuff still sounds exotic and chaotic long after most if its peers have been assimilated into memory.
Try A/4, A/5, B/4

Bow Wow Wow, “The Best Of . . .” (RCA, 1996; original recordings early 1980s)
Malcolm McLaren’s second subversive pop experiment after the collapse of the Sex Pistols mixed punk, glam-rock, Afro-pop and art-noise with the lovely vocals of Annabella for a unique new-wave pop concoction that actually rocks too. Captures the first excitement of the postwar world collapsing into “globalization” when that looked like a coming revolution of fun rather than the dot-com shithole it’s turned out to be.
Try 1, 2, 8, 10, 13