Best Coast, “Fade Away” (Jewel City, 2013)
After a well-loved noise-pop debut album and a more coolly-received follow-up that experimented with a more muted sonic palette, Best Coast are back with an EP that combines both approaches for their best work yet. Haunting melodies, towering swells of reverbed guitar and (the most dramatic development) sharp, incisive lyrics add up to something pretty special. New LP coming this spring and I can’t wait.
Try 1, 3

Best Coast, “The Only Place” (Mexican Summer, 2012)
Despite the big-name producer, this still sounds quite modest-sized, though most of the fuzz is gone. Essentially, this is just another fine Best Coast release, the feel less neon-beach surf and more Laurel-Canyon-folky than last time. The songs are more intricate and subtle, less immediate, but this is growing on me already.
Try 1, 4, 8. 11

Best Coast, “Crazy On You? (Mexican Summer, 2010)
In moving from bedroom-4-track-land to a “real” studio, Ms. Coast inevitably peels away a layer of the mystery that gives her work its distinctive charge, the sensation that’s oceanic yet intimate. The good news: lifting the haze (and adding drums) reveals an excellent rock and roll band, jarring, propulsive and basic like Beat Happening or the Modern Lovers when they began, at the service of bittersweet melodies that linger in the mind’s ear. My favorites are “The End” and “When The Sun Don’t Shine.”