Babies, “Our House on the Hill” (Woodsist, 2012)
Side project thing from Cassie of Vivian Girls and some dude (who actually does most of the singing). This is Velvets-inflected garage-punk, much in the vein of Cassie’s “real” band, but sweeter and more down-home. Lacks the Vivian Girls’ visionary chaos, but still really good.
Try 2, 8.

Babies, “Our House on the Hill” (Woodsist, 2012)
Side project thing from Cassie of Vivian Girls and some dude (who actually does most of the singing). This is Velvets-inflected garage-punk, much in the vein of Cassie’s “real” band, but sweeter and more down-home. Lacks the Vivian Girls’ visionary chaos, but still really good.
Try 2, 8.