Angel Olsen, “Strange Cacti” (Bathetic, 2011)
This cool record creates a veil of mystery over Ms. Olsen’s blurry, strummed acoustic music – reminiscent of acid folk but more abstract. But the really distinct calling card is Olsen’s wailing, near-atonally frayed vocals on some of the tracks. In an alternate universe where Jandek was Garth Brooks, Olsen would be Taylor Swift.
Try 1/1, 1/ 3, 2/1, 2/3

Angel Olsen, “Half Way Home” (Bathetic, 2013)
Continues in the vein of Olson’s lunar, quavering psych-folk magic. Doesn’t quite reach that fever pitch of almost form-destroying solitary intensity her last one had, but the songwriting extends even wider and deeper this time.
Try 4, 6, 7