
  1. These are mostly reviews I wrote from 2010 to 2019 for records to be played on WHPK, the college radio station where I’ve been a dj and sometime “Rock Format Chief” since 2002. The selection principle was… whatever Reckless Records had in stock on which I could spend our monthly sponsorship stipend, plus stuff labels sent the station in the mail that I liked. On reflection, I think it actually makes for a more interesting, unpredictable range of coverage than a more “curated” approach in the Desert Island Dicks vein. Also, there are no negative reviews — as indicated above, the idea was to convince djs at the station to actually PLAY the record/cd in question. In any event, it felt gratuitous for me to kick some no-name indie-rock act or long-forgotten new-wavers in the balls/ovaries to no practical purpose. (PS These thousand-plus reviews were transcribed from handwritten stickers for LPs/CDs in a Stakhanovite frenzy of speed-meets-matter activity so we could make ‘em available asap, so there were inevitably some typos, which i’m gradually weeding out with a fine-toothed editorial comb; caveat lector.)


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