Various Artists, “GS I Love You” (Big Beat, 1996; original releases mid- to late 1960s)
In mid-to-late ‘60s Japan, garage-punk was referred to as “Group Sounds.” Supposedly, early Japanese-made electric guitars were lightweight in such a way that they were conducive to a dizzy, speed-balled sound, and sure enough, this is frenzied stuff.
Best of an excellent collection:
1, “You Gat A Call Me” [sic] (catchy, almost Slade-like stomp-and-shout)
13, “Suki Nanda” (minor-key surf-harmony rocker with insane, spidery tremolo-guitar lead)
17, “I Saw Her Standing There” (spiraling, race-to-the-stratosphere Beatles cover with haunted-house-maniac vocals)
21, “Hold On, I’m Comin’” (an impassioned buzzsaw-soul testimonial that would have left Sam and Dave impressed, if perplexed)

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